Humanity is struggling with a global health crisis which stems from chemical contaminants in the air, food, and water, packaged with erroneous lifestyle habits and severe cultural indoctrination.
Self-sabotage in the form of poor dietary patterns, lack of movement, television programming and complying with herd ignorance is crippling humankind.
Cultural indoctrination is when a way of life is forced on someone. We are being coerced to construct our culture with a foundation of impurities. These are physical and spiritual impurities. Our belief is that we need to purify internally before we can reverse the course of our decline and revive cultural prosperity.
Our goal at Soulspire is to guide our clients through their transformation on a path to health, vitality and wellness.
In traditional rehabilitation and recovery settings, the common widespread belief is that we must target the
brain to somehow heal addiction. At Soulspire, we believe addictions are rooted in the gut, and by changing
the composition of your microbiome you have a greater chance of recovering. If you are struggling with
addiction, know that there are microbes living in your body that are feeding on whatever you are dependent
on, and they communicate with your brain through the vagus nerve to signal when they want more. By
actively working to cleanse these microbes from your system, then replenishing with new bacterial strains,
your cravings and urges begin to subside.
Much of what brings us down in life is also what we have believed to bring us happiness. When our health
begins to falter and we need cleansing, this provides a perfect opportunity to reflect on our habits, patterns,
and thoughts and map out a new life path that embraces better health. At Soulspire, we help you reset
your system on a biological and microbial level to gain more mental clarity and assist with designing a healthier lifestyle.
To purify your body requires relentless effort and dedication. There are no fad diets, quick fixes, or miracle
pills that can regenerate cells, revive organ functioning, and remove layers of plaque that narrow arteries and
cause cognitive decline. When you package internal cleansing, physical exercise, plant-based nutrition and frequency healing with time and patience, this is the surest way to rejuvenating your health.
The normalization of depression and sickness is a direct result of our culture, upbringing and environment.
The education system and mainstream media help shape the path we follow in life. When we are eating low-
quality foods, avoiding exercise and not being mindful of our health, this leads to us being unhappy and
makes us prone to sickness. Our goal at Soulspire is to inspire you to walk a new path that is rooted in good
The microorganisms living in our gut control our actions, addictions, appetite, behavior, feelings, impulses,
and thoughts. When we eat poorly and neglect our health, we generate an overabundance of harmful bacteria
that will eventually induce disease in our body. The idea of Soulspire and the Ten-Step Detoxification System
is to rebalance the population of bacteria in our gut by flushing out pathogens and xenobiotics, then introducing wholesome, pure foods and nutrients that will nourish healthy microbes.
Humanity is struggling with a global health crisis which stems from chemical contaminants in the air, food and water, packaged with erroneous lifestyle habits and severe cultural indoctrination.
Self-sabotage in the form of poor dietary patterns, lack of movement, television programming and complying with herd ignorance is crippling humankind.
Cultural indoctrination is when a way of life is forced on someone. We are being coerced to construct our culture with a foundation of impurities. These are physical and spiritual impurities. Our belief is that we need to purify internally before we can reverse the course of our decline and revive cultural prosperity.
Our goal at Soulspire is to guide our clients through their transformation on a path to health, vitality and wellness.
Addiction Recovery
In traditional rehabilitation and recovery settings, the common widespread belief is that we must target the brain to somehow heal addiction. At Soulspire, we believe addictions are rooted in the gut, and by changing the composition of your microbiome you have a greater chance of recovering. If you are struggling with addiction, know that there are microbes living in your body that are feeding on whatever you are dependent on, and they communicate with your brain through the vagus nerve to signal when they want more. By actively working to cleanse these microbes from your system, then replenishing with new bacterial strains, your cravings and urges begin to subside.
Forming New Habits
Much of what brings us down in life is also what we have believed to bring us happiness. When our health begins to falter and we need cleansing, this provides a perfect opportunity to reflect on our habits, patterns, and thoughts and map out a new life path that embraces better health. At Soulspire, we help you reset your system on a biological and microbial level to gain more mental clarity and assist with designing a healthier lifestyle.
Health Rejuvenation
To purify your body requires relentless effort and dedication. There are no fad diets, quick fixes, or miracle pills that can regenerate cells, revive organ functioning, and remove layers of plaque that narrow arteries and cause cognitive decline. When you package internal cleansing, physical exercise, plant-based nutrition and frequency healing with time and patience, this is the surest way to rejuvenating your health.
Lifestyle Transformation
The normalization of depression and sickness is a direct result of our culture, upbringing and environment. The education system and mainstream media help shape the path we follow in life. When we are eating low-quality foods, avoiding exercise and not being mindful of our health, this leads to us being unhappy and makes us prone to sickness. Our goal at Soulspire is to inspire you to walk a new path that is rooted in good health.
Microbiome Rebalancing
The microorganisms living in our gut control our actions, addictions, appetite, behavior, feelings, impulses, and thoughts. When we eat poorly and neglect our health, we generate an overabundance of harmful bacteria that will eventually induce disease in our body. The idea of Soulspire and the Ten-Step Detoxification System is to rebalance the population of bacteria in our gut by flushing out athogens and xenobiotics, then introducing wholesome, pure foods and nutrients that will nourish healthy microbes.