When your healing journey begins, be mindful of where you are in your process. If you have been knowingly abusing your body, or inadvertently poisoning yourself with impurities for twenty, thirty, forty or even fifty years, you cannot expect to reverse your ailing condition overnight.
When your healing journey begins, be mindful of where you are in your process. If you have been knowingly abusing your body, or inadvertently poisoning yourself with impurities for twenty, thirty, forty or even fifty years, you cannot expect to reverse your ailing condition overnight. The transformation from where you are now, to being the healthy and thriving version of yourself will take years. Our goal is to make these years memorable and enjoyable. Healing does not have to be associated with misery or pain. We are here to help you have fun while you heal, ease your worries, and trust that you are doing the best you can for your well-being. You will be rewarded with the regeneration of your cells and tissues, heightened stamina and endurance, extended longevity, and many more reasons to smile.
Our health and vitality are directly connected to the cleanliness of our internal environment and lymphatic system. When our lymphatic system is stagnant and congested, our cells are saturated in impurities. The lymphatic system to our body is analogous to how rivers are to this earth we call home. When flowing strong and unobstructed, Earth’s mighty rivers cleanse and purify ecosystems, washing impurities away from contaminated areas of land. When dams are implanted, this earthen flow is blocked and limited – causing the over-accumulation of toxic residues in regions all over the world.
If we abstain from ingesting impurities, our lymphatic fluid flows freely and lymphatic system functions with efficiency. As a species we are at war with chemical manufacturers and lobbying propagandists who allure us to develop dependencies for products that harm us. Most of what we believe to be natural, or even healthy, is impure and depleting. The foods and food products we consume impact the cleanliness of our lymphatic fluid. Environments we breathe and exist in are also influencing factors. Cosmetics and hygiene products play a significant role in the deterioration of lymphatic health. Addictions and lifestyle habits have a synergistic effect as well.
As we mindfully regenerate our health, a great first step is to actively work toward cleaning up our lymphatic fluid and removing any blockages or stagnation. We can accomplish lymphatic cleansing through the administration of kambo, rebounding, using a total body vibration plate, running uphill, hanging upside down on an inversion table, and most simply by exercising. With licensed kambo practitioners on staff, our first step in the Soulspire Detoxification System is the application of kambo. Kambo can integrate into our system to purge metals and harmful pathogens from the interstitial, cerebrospinal and lymphatic fluids.
Kambo is a purgatory secretion retrieved from the bicolor phyllomedusa tree frog that resides in the deep Amazonian jungles. When applied to the skin after a light burn penetrates the first epidermal layer, several peptides in the secretion work through the lymphatic system to stimulate the release of trapped bile and xenobiotics that have not effectively been metabolized by the body as a result of congestion, indigestion, mucoid plaque and stagnated lymph.
Of all amphibians studied by humankind, this frog contains the most peptides known to have a healing impact on humans. Among these, dermaseptin is a known antibacterial, antifungal, antimicrobial, and antiviral compound that can support the strengthening of the immune system and assist the natural detoxification processes in the body by stimulating the synthesis of important enzymes such as CYP450, catalase and superoxide dismutase.
In addition to dermaseptin, dermorphin is a peptide in the secretion documented to be among the strongest anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving compounds in existence. The pain-relieving qualities of dermorphin are noted as being twenty to thirty times stronger than opiates – without the negative side effects.
We offer kambo to help kickstart your healing by utilizing the beneficial peptides to stimulate the release of impurities that have integrated into your bodily fluids and are embedded deep in your tissues.
The skin is our largest eliminative organ. When we store impurities in our system that stagnate our lymphatic fluid and we live sedentary, our body cannot utilize the detoxification capabilities of the skin efficiently. Through perspiration, we release impurities. With a rising temperature, the body naturally induces fever when combating sickness. The ozone steam sauna service we provide generates heat with steam and simultaneously immerses the skin with ozone while your pores are open to accelerate the expulsion of toxins.
The cleanliness of our blood is vital for optimal health. Utilizing ozone is a helpful option for removing impurities and stickiness from the blood. Ozone therapy sessions can improve blood circulation, reduce buildup of lactic acid, increase muscle flexibility, stimulate vasodilation of peripheral blood vessels, and expel impurities from your body.
The supplement industry generates billions of dollars annually from providing mineral and vitamin products to millions of people who want to avoid developing nutrient deficiencies and who distrust the efficacy of the foods they ingest to nourish them. Dietary patterns adapted by western civilization are mostly depleting and can be associated with much of the disease and sickness afflicting the human species. When people develop ailments as a result of nutrient deficiency, the solution is not simply taking supplements.
To reverse nutritional deficiencies, we need to improve diet and lifestyle, and heal the root of the problem being a damaged gut or microbiome. When the colon has been abused over the course of a lifetime, compacted impurities, mucoid plaque and pharmaceutical residues form layers over the epithelium which protects the intestines. This weakens permeability and reduces our ability to absorb nutrients.
Many holistic health practitioners believe the health of the body is correlated with the cleanliness of the colon. Going in for a colonoscopy does not help purify the colon or rebalance the microbiome. A gastroenterologist is not trained to detect or diagnose blocked absorption from layers of mucoid plaque. Using colon hydrotherapy, the colon is gently cleansed with purified and ionized water, and this coating of plaque gradually lessens until problems with absorption fade.
Once the intestines are clear, the body can once again absorb nutrients, and deficiencies will often vanish.
Our cells require a -25mV charge to function optimally. As this number decreases, our organs begin to falter and sickness transpires. Once a cell reaches the charge of +30mV, the cell is cancerous. The goal is to implement practices that can increase cellular voltage to prevent sickness.
When we are functioning without impediments and no longer ingesting impurities, we naturally elevate our frequency. The human body functions at 68 to 72 MHz. Disease and sickness start around 60 MHz or lower. A body in a cancerous condition is measured near 42 MHz and death occurs around 25 MHz.
Royal Rife was a man who studied pathogens under microscope and applied various frequencies to document which could effectively neutralize these pathogens. He developed a device known as a rife frequency machine and used this to expose subjects to frequencies to assist with treating ailing conditions.
We offer frequency healing using the Biocharger, Photon Genius, PEMF device for increasing cellular voltage, rife device, and AmpCoil to move out pathogens and microbes we no longer welcome.
Through reflexology we learn the meaning of the phrase, “As above, so below”. Our feet are thought to be connected to our organs. When we neglect the health and cleanliness of lower extremities, this can result in health issues in other areas. By regularly cleansing our feet, we effectively draw toxins from above and release them below. This assures that we are removing impurities from all over our body.
To inspire is to breathe. Oxygen and pure air are becoming endangered as forests are pillaged to meet the demands of poor dietary habits and at the cost of economic growth. Fires are emitting toxic pollutants that lacerate epithelial tissues lining the respiratory tract. Viruses are being manufactured in labs to specifically target the respiratory system. Media propaganda is convincing us that we cannot breathe. Millions of people still smoke cigarettes. We are neglecting to honor the sacredness of our lungs.
Hyperbaric oxygen chambers give us an opportunity to acknowledge our lungs and breathe pure air with no pollutants for rejuvenation of lung tissues and regeneration of the epithelial cells that protect these hollow organs.
Purifying our body requires more than cleansing our system. To maintain a pristine internal environment, we must be mindful of the substances we ingest. To keep our organ systems functioning optimally, physical activity is mandatory.
We provide nutritional guidance to help support your purity. Our belief is that an organic, soy-free, gluten-free, oil-free and plant-based diet is the most effective way to eat for an overall healthier lifestyle. We will help you make the transition to eating clean.
The exercise programs we offer are designed from the four pillars of human movement that were devised by JC Santana at the Institute of Human Performance in Boca Raton, FL. We implement functional training to strengthen the core and stabilizer muscles so we can move without limitations, improve stamina, keep our circulatory system strong and prevent injury.
Now that we are moving closer to achieving optimal health and our vitality has been resurrected, we are introduced to heart-opening ceremonies with cacao. This is the fruit which chocolate is derived from. These gatherings help us find our voice, balance chakras, and allow us to recognize our purpose in life.
Only through ceremony, connecting with plant medicines and a healthy, supportive community can we find our way to purity and build an impenetrable protective shield over our livelihood.
When your healing journey begins, be mindful of where you are in your process. If you have been knowingly abusing your body, or inadvertently poisoning yourself with impurities for twenty, thirty, forty or even fifty years, you cannot expect to reverse your ailing condition overnight. The transformation from where you are now, to being the healthy and thriving version of yourself will take years. Our goal is to make these years memorable and enjoyable. Healing does not have to be associated with misery or pain. We are here to help you have fun while you heal, ease your worries, and trust that you are doing the best you can for your well-being. You will be rewarded with the regeneration of your cells and tissues, heightened stamina and endurance, extended longevity, and many more reasons to smile.
Our health and vitality are directly connected to the cleanliness of our internal environment and lymphatic system. When our lymphatic system is stagnant and congested, our cells are saturated in impurities. The lymphatic system to our body is analogous to how rivers are to this earth we call home. When flowing strong and unobstructed, Earth’s mighty rivers cleanse and purify ecosystems, washing impurities away from contaminated areas of land. When dams are implanted, this earthen flow is blocked and limited – causing the over-accumulation of toxic residues in regions all over the world.
If we abstain from ingesting impurities, our lymphatic fluid flows freely and lymphatic system functions with efficiency. As a species we are at war with chemical manufacturers and lobbying propagandists who allure us to develop dependencies for products that harm us. Most of what we believe to be natural, or even healthy, is impure and depleting. The foods and food products we consume impact the cleanliness of our lymphatic fluid. Environments we breathe and exist in are also influencing factors. Cosmetics and hygiene products play a significant role in the deterioration of lymphatic health. Addictions and lifestyle habits have a synergistic effect as well.
As we mindfully regenerate our health, a great first step is to actively work toward cleaning up our lymphatic fluid and removing any blockages or stagnation. We can accomplish lymphatic cleansing through the administration of kambo, rebounding, using a total body vibration plate, running uphill, hanging upside down on an inversion table, and most simply by exercising. With licensed kambo practitioners on staff, our first step in the Soulspire Detoxification System is the application of kambo. Kambo can integrate into our system to purge metals and harmful pathogens from the interstitial, cerebrospinal and lymphatic fluids.
Kambo Application
Kambo is a purgatory secretion retrieved from the bicolor phyllomedusa tree frog that resides in the deep Amazonian jungles. When applied to the skin after a light burn penetrates the first epidermal layer, several peptides in the secretion work through the lymphatic system to stimulate the release of trapped bile and xenobiotics that have not effectively been metabolized by the body as a result of congestion, indigestion, mucoid plaque and stagnated lymph.
Of all amphibians studied by humankind, this frog contains the most peptides known to have a healing impact on humans. Among these, dermaseptin is a known antibacterial, antifungal, antimicrobial, and antiviral compound that can support the strengthening of the immune system and assist the natural detoxification processes in the body by stimulating the synthesis of important enzymes such as CYP450, catalase and superoxide dismutase.
In addition to dermaseptin, dermorphin is a peptide in the secretion documented to be among the strongest anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving compounds in existence. The pain-relieving qualities of dermorphin are noted as being twenty to thirty times stronger than opiates – without the negative side effects.
We offer kambo to help kickstart your healing by utilizing the beneficial peptides to stimulate the release of impurities that have integrated into your bodily fluids and are embedded deep in your tissues.
Ozone Therapy
The skin is our largest eliminative organ. When we store impurities in our system that stagnate our lymphatic fluid and we live sedentary, our body cannot utilize the detoxification capabilities of the skin efficiently. Through perspiration, we release impurities. With a rising temperature, the body naturally induces fever when combating sickness. The ozone steam sauna service we provide generates heat with steam and simultaneously immerses the skin with ozone while your pores are open to accelerate the expulsion of toxins.
The cleanliness of our blood is vital for optimal health. Utilizing ozone is a helpful option for removing impurities and stickiness from the blood. Ozone therapy sessions can improve blood circulation, reduce buildup of lactic acid, increase muscle flexibility, stimulate vasodilation of peripheral blood vessels, and expel impurities from your body.
Colon Hydrotherapy
The supplement industry generates billions of dollars annually from providing mineral and vitamin products to millions of people who want to avoid developing nutrient deficiencies and who distrust the efficacy of the foods they ingest to nourish them. Dietary patterns adapted by western civilization are mostly depleting and can be associated with much of the disease and sickness afflicting the human species. When people develop ailments as a result of nutrient deficiency, the solution is not simply taking supplements.
To reverse nutritional deficiencies, we need to improve diet and lifestyle, and heal the root of the problem – being a damaged gut or microbiome. When the colon has been abused over the course of a lifetime, compacted impurities, mucoid plaque and pharmaceutical residues form layers over the epithelium which protects the intestines. This weakens permeability and reduces our ability to absorb nutrients.
Many holistic health practitioners believe the health of the body is correlated with the cleanliness of the colon. Going in for a colonoscopy does not help purify the colon or rebalance the microbiome. A gastroenterologist is not trained to detect or diagnose blocked absorption from layers of mucoid plaque. Using colon hydrotherapy, the colon is gently cleansed with purified and ionized water, and this coating of plaque gradually lessens until problems with absorption fade.
Once the intestines are clear, the body can once again absorb nutrients, and deficiencies will often vanish.
PEMF & Frequency Healing
Our cells require a -25mV charge to function optimally. As this number decreases, our organs begin to falter and sickness transpires. Once a cell reaches the charge of +30mV, the cell is cancerous. The goal is to implement practices that can increase cellular voltage to prevent sickness.
When we are functioning without impediments and no longer ingesting impurities, we naturally elevate our frequency. The human body functions at 68 to 72 MHz. Disease and sickness start around 60 MHz or lower. A body in a cancerous condition is measured near 42 MHz and death occurs around 25 MHz.
Royal Rife was a man who studied pathogens under microscope and applied various frequencies to document which could effectively neutralize these pathogens. He developed a device known as a rife frequency machine and used this to expose subjects to frequencies to assist with treating ailing conditions.
We offer frequency healing using the Biocharger, Photon Genius, PEMF device for increasing cellular voltage, rife device, and AmpCoil to move out pathogens and microbes we no longer welcome.
Ionic Balancer Foot Detox
Through reflexology we learn the meaning of the phrase, “As above, so below”. Our feet are thought to be connected to our organs. When we neglect the health and cleanliness of lower extremities, this can result in health issues in other areas. By regularly cleansing our feet, we effectively draw toxins from above and release them below. This assures that we are removing impurities from all over our body.
Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber
To inspire is to breathe. Oxygen and pure air are becoming endangered as forests are pillaged to meet the demands of poor dietary habits and at the cost of economic growth. Fires are emitting toxic pollutants that lacerate epithelial tissues lining the respiratory tract. Viruses are being manufactured in labs to specifically target the respiratory system. Media propaganda is convincing us that we cannot breathe. Millions of people still smoke cigarettes. We are neglecting to honor the sacredness of our lungs.
Hyperbaric oxygen chambers give us an opportunity to acknowledge our lungs and breathe pure air with no pollutants for rejuvenation of lung tissues and regeneration of the epithelial cells that protect these hollow organs.
Exercise & Nutrition
Purifying our body requires more than cleansing our system. To maintain a pristine internal environment, we must be mindful of the substances we ingest. To keep our organ systems functioning optimally, physical activity is mandatory.
We provide nutritional guidance to help support your purity. Our belief is that an organic, soy-free, gluten-free, oil-free and plant-based diet is the most effective way to eat for an overall healthier lifestyle. We will help you make the transition to eating clean.
The exercise programs we offer are designed from the four pillars of human movement that were devised by JC Santana at the Institute of Human Performance in Boca Raton, FL. We implement functional training to strengthen the core and stabilizer muscles so we can move without limitations, improve stamina, keep our circulatory system strong and prevent injury.
Now that we are moving closer to achieving optimal health and our vitality has been resurrected, we are introduced to heart-opening ceremonies with cacao. This is the fruit which chocolate is derived from. These gatherings help us find our voice, balance chakras, and allow us to recognize our purpose in life.
Only through ceremony, connecting with plant medicines and a healthy, supportive community can we find our way to purity and build an impenetrable protective shield over our livelihood.